Powerful Ways to Fix Hp Often Die Suddenly

Game PC Melaporkan -  Common Causes Hp Often Die Suddenly or Hang
Usually users do not know the usage activities that can cause hp often experience problems, actually there are several factors why our hp suddenly drop dead suddenly and hang when we use it as follows
Cara Ampuh Mengatasi Handphone yang Sering Mati Mendadak
1. Application of Weight
Need to know in the use of mobile phones try to recognize the capacity of hpnya, do not use more than the ability of hp, because with the use of the limit can make hp easy to hang or often died suddenly and the most severe impact can result hp damage to softwere and hardwerenya

How to overcome
Remove heavy-loaded apps like online games and social media that require large capacity. my experience is also time to have a smartphone with only 500Mb ram, but I forced to install COC game and as a result new in use a few days my hp directly hang and must be in flash

2. Unkured Junkfiles
Junkfile is not cleaned can make hp also experience slow and hang because bear the burden of hp performance at the time of use or not used at all, to solve it we can clean it with apliasi cleaner application in playstore

3. Excessive Double Performance
Excessive dual performance is the use of multiple applications simultaneously in the same watu, or also when installing important applications arrive at the stop before completion, this activity can also make hp easy to hang and often die suddenly

Usually the core problem hp softwere application there is a damage so hp often have hangs, to overcome the setting can kepedaturan factory and if still can not be normal as the original way is the flash hp own or use service at the nearest center

4. Hardwere Damage On Hp
If all the above ways still can not restore the function of our mobile phone as before, then most likely our hp is damaged on the hardwere or hp components that resulted in often experienced sudden death,
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