6 Ways to Take Care of Hp To Be Not Broken Fast

Game PC Melaporkan -  6 Ways to Take Care of Hp To Be Not Broken Fast. Handpone or generally referred to as Hp has a depreciation period of quality of goods that will indirectly damage and end use, sometimes even though the life of hp in general range of 2 to 3 years of usage, not infrequently before 2 years hp has experienced disruption and damage running, indeed sometimes the cause of damage Hp caused the quality of the product itself
1. Charge Hp before it is completely discharged
Often times when cool to use Hp we forget to mengecharge hp until the battery is completely discharged and then just remember that the Hp must be in charge, in fact this kind of action is less good and can damage the existing Hp cells inside because of drought causing Batre easy soak and bubble, if it is keadian like this batre must be replaced with a new one

2. Do not overuse Hp when in charge
most users who are cool telphone for hours and when see keaadaan battery began to weaken they forced to use it when batre handpone in charge so that batre experienced 2 currents in the same time that is the input of charging and output usage, in fact this incident is less good because it can cause permanent damage, if too often can lead to batre bulging or fat, can even lead to handpone explode as often happens at this time, so that hp durable and not quickly damaged treat hp well.

3. Give Hp protector
When the falling Hp has a very fatal risk of damage that will occur, from the damage of the screen to the important components will also be affected by the fall of Hp, therefore to reduce the risk of excessive damage is recommended to use a protector for the collision that occurred because the fall can be dampened with a protector

4. Do not overuse powerbank
do you know the output voltage that is issued by powerbank is not in accordance with the needs of input voltage Hp, even sometimes much larger than the input needs that can damage aici and batre, suppose the need for input voltage Hp 4.5v while powerbank output 5v, well of this voltage can affect the durability and durability of HP

5. Use the built-in support tool Hp itself
To maintain the durability and resilience of Hp, manufacturers have provided support tools from factories such as Charger, airpone, batre etc. with the size and standard that has been calculated, such as the charger that must be used in accordance with the type of hpnya and output and input should also meet the needs His mobile phone

6. Use in accordance with the ability of hp
If this problem usually happens on smartphone that has limited capacity in accordance with the price and spec as well, when you want to install applications from playstore try not to install applications beyond the capacity provided because if forced to slow down the operating system because it accommodates excessive activity load , and this ever happened to my own smartphone Hp, well enough explain tips for hp durable and durable hp.
A little sharing about 6 Ways To Take Care Of Hp To Not Fast Broken, hopefully this article can be useful, practiced and can solve problems on hp agan-agan all

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