4 Powerful Ways to Speed ​​Up Android Internet Connection

Game PC Melaporkan -  4 Powerful Ways to Speed ​​Up Android Internet Connection. Having a high intenet internet connection has its own satisfaction when using it, when opening youtube / streeming internetpun speed is needed for smooth watching vidio through the media, and while searching for information also speed in opening web pages also require adequate speed to get the information we want.
1. Choose the most powerful operator in the local area
If the area where the internet connection on Hp lemot then need to check the quality of operators in use in what area has 3G facilities yet? if have seen the internet users whether they also use the same card or not? if he then the competitors to obtain a more nternet connection and can cause the connection kelmaotan bnyaknya users who use it. the solution look for operators who have 3G facilities and a few pesaignya, Telkomcel example that is less peminatnya because paketannya rather expensive, and Telkomsel also known as the operator of the most widespread network 

3 cara ampuh mempercepat koneksi internet android

2. Use the application to speed up internet connection
In the playsotre warehouse a lot of free applications to speed up internet connection on Hp, but to choose the application must be smart-smart choose it, if in my experience, use an application that already has a good reting in playsotre in order to maintain kean hp to avoid terkena pirus dan compatriots

3. Clean junk and story after internet usage

To keep the internet speed need also application for the existing garbage disguiser id in our Hp, usually if too much garbage in it also can result Hp become slow and heavy when in oprasikan user, just like trick number 2, in recommendation use application already has the highest reting in the playstore to maintain the security and reliability of the app

4. Try to buy a full 3G package

sometimes the operator menyedikan internet package has a strange requirements such as 12:00 hours until 05:00 packets full 3G internet and outside hours terseut paketan restrict some GB alone, sometimes one of the causes lemot because the facilities provided by the operator is up then the internet connection in will automatically become slow. so be smart in choosing your internet connection

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