How To Solve Smartphones Unexpectedly

Game PC Melaporkan - How To Solve Smartphones Unexpectedly
This way will not guarantee our mobile phone will be normal again but at least we have tried with the first step, the first way check batre hp whether to have a trobel or not keranya usually if batre have problems can make hp die suddenly

The second way check the On / Off button on hp is there a wedge on the button so that cause the position On / Off does not fit, and what if there is something blocked try to improve its position and try to revive our hp

If after trying the two ways above still can not then how to take it simple place mobile phone servise that has the tools to fix it, actually the problem could be because there are konslet on rangkayan electrical flow to overcome it using a blower or a special fluid but if we do not know how better and safe if we submit to the experts only

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