How to keep Smartphone battery last longer

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3 Ways to Take Care Of Hp Batteries To Not Slow Down. Sometimes we are surprised when the use of mobile batteries suddenly we have just filled up very critical or already want to run out, we just use, cause the battery can quickly waste because of mobile phone abuse is so excessive that batre sometimes. Experiencing or disposing of waste, to maintain the durability of batre there are some tips on taking care of batre so it does not run out quickly that can be practiced at home.
3 cara merawat batre hp agar tidak cepat habis
1. Try not to use mobile phones often on duty / cas

what's happening now What does not happen at all for a good thing? not at all good for batre because it can cause permanent damage, baisanya if too often batre can bubbling or gndut, even the sound of mobile phone was exploded as often happens today.

2. Reduce the use of games too often
For the Gamers need to note for the use of games that are often too often can cause the battery runs out quickly because the use of games that use the graphics system sucks the battery power stored in it, in normal use batre usually can last more than 24 hours and if compared with the use which is wasteful like playing games, batre can only last between 7 to 10 hours, thus causing the amount of normal distance and waste quite distant difference between 10 to 13 hours, so if you want to batre our handset durable control over the use of excessive games

3 ways to care for hp so as not to damage cepet

3. Try Mobile does not often fall
Sometimes the cause of wasteful batre on the phone is not solely due to damage to the battery but also in because the mobile phone components damage to the aici so that although we buy a new battery and high quality will remain the same batre will quickly run out, to identify events like this coa borrow batre friend the same with our Handpone type and wear it until the battery is exhausted, if batre boros mobile phone address damaged, the safe solution bring handpone to the service

a little sharing about 3 Ways to Take Care of Battery Hp In order Not to Fast Out, hopefully this article can be useful, practiced and can solve problems on hp agan-agan all

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